Enjoy & Engage

These two words come to my mind on this weekend. Let me unpack them as we make our way into the weekend.


Enjoy the beautiful weather. Try and get outside and if nothing else just sit and take it all in; maybe do some outside chores; if there is a local baseball game with Rec ball or school, go and enjoy; go for a ride; grill out; or just go for a walk!!

No matter if you do a lot or do a little – take a moment, take in a deep breath and pause and thank God for His blessings and enjoy the moments as they come. Do something that will fill your soul!!

It may have been a tough week, month or year!! So take a moment and enjoy the blessings of God – our faith, family and friends, food on our tables and clothes on our backs and if you are able to go outside, be grateful you are well enough to do it.


(my new favorite word. It speaks of being intentional and not just going through the motions.)

Engage in worship this coming Sunday. If you are able, go in person and take your Bible, be praying for the service and then sing with all of your heart. Listen to what the pastor is preaching with an open Bible and an open heart and then respond to what God tells you! If you can't go in person, watch live online, with an Bibles open and sing even in your living room and amen the preacher as if you were sitting on the front row!!!

Engage with your family and friends this weekend. As you spend time, be intentional. Life goes quickly and comes in stages. Take it all in and engage them in conversations and listen, not just talk. Bet you might learn something new that is going on in their life if you just ask a question and let them talk!!  (this is a lesson I am trying to learn I promise!!)

Engage others in conversations about Jesus, church, prayer and say a word for Jesus but also listen where folks are hurting, hopeless and need encouragement and need Jesus. Listen and love on them and point them to Him!

Above all – engage with Jesus. Take some time this weekend and get alone with Jesus. Even go out on the back deck or front porch, with an open Bible and open heart and spend some time with our Savior.

Enjoy and Engage. Pray you can and you do.

Love you all!!

Pastor Michael